Welcome to our Network

Together we are harnessing research to transform UK agri-food for net zero

AFN Network+, helping get to net zero

Working together

The AFN Network+ (UKRI Agri-food for Net Zero Network+) brings together more than 2,000 key research leaders and stakeholders across UK agri-food, including third sector organisations, policy makers and agri-food industry professionals. Our mission is to shape the next decade of research to support and drive the UK agri-food system towards net zero.

Shaping the future

Together we are mapping the range of global contexts UK agri-food may face over the coming decades. We're exploring how food and farming could reach net zero under each of those contexts and we're establishing critical research questions which need to be tackled if we want to maximise the sector's progress.

Kickstarting progress

Our findings will set a clear direction for UK Research and Innovation funding over the next decade, but we're also seed funding our own research, focusing on innovative collaborations across the sector and awarding hundreds of thousands of pounds to new projects every year.


Power in the food system – how to shift it for citizens, farmers, & nature

In this joint webinar with the FFCC, our speakers share insights from their latest research, which the organisation undertook following concerns raised by citizens in #TheFoodConversation – and explain why questions of power and profit need to rise up the political agenda.

countryside view with fields and a gate


All you need to know about the 7th Carbon Budget

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has published its Seventh Carbon Budget (CB7). The 7th Carbon Budget is a stock-take of UK emissions (current and future) and advice to the Government on how and where these emissions will need to be reduced (‘the pathway’) if the UK is to meet its legal obligations to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050. Here is our run-down of some key points from its 390+ pages.

Big Tent AGM

11 and 12 March 2025

This year our annual meeting took place in Manchester over two days. It was a fantastic opportunity for members to gather together and engage with others working for change in the UK agri-food system. There were engaging keynote speakers in a programme designed around inclusivity and involvement, with lots of opportunities for networking and breakout discussions.

Woman's hand holds a clump of soil against a green countryside

Seed-funding the future

The AFN Network+ funds a range of projects that contribute to our mission. Our annual round of scoping studies are small- and medium-sized projects that explore issues related to achieving net zero through the agri-food sector. Our Stakeholder FlexFund supports AFN Network+ members with small-scale activities that explore, develop or trial solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in UK agri-food.


Webinars and podcasts

Our webinar and podcast series explores the transition to net zero in the UK agri-food system with leading movers and shakers. They provide deep and varied insight from across the sector, including farmers, scientists, policy analysts, community leaders, retailers, politicians, businesses and health professionals. Take part on the day or browse our growing library.

Image shows an illustration of a future scenario called 'circular worlds' in which people are living in a world governed by circular systems

Featured report

What could the UK agri-food system look like in 2050?

How might the world look in 2050, and what sort of UK agri-food system might exist as a result? This report describes four possible futures and what policy planning and research will be needed under each, to move the agri-food system towards a net zero UK.​ Scenarios help us to think about possible challenges and opportunities ahead, and provide a route for planning and decision-making – which is the aim of this report.

Member directory

Looking for a partner for your next project? Our member directory is a great way to get in touch with other AFN Network+ members. Share your areas of work and expertise and search for other members looking to collaborate. This is the place where AFN Network+ membership comes alive.