Mapping the agri-food system

Achieving net zero in the agri-food system requires understanding the whole system, including production, supply chains, consumption, waste, land use, governance, economics, trade, and more. At a workshop in April, led by Professor Robert Costanza, AFN Network+ champion for Systems Interactions in Production, members of the AFN Network+ built a preliminary conceptual systems dynamics model of the UK agri-food system. You can view the current version here. Hover over any of the variables and see its connection in the system to all the other variables. The conceptual model can be used to help understand the integrated system, and as the basis for more quantitative systems dynamics modelling and research in the future. |
We would like your feedback on the model as we continue its development.
Have we missed any of:
- the important stocks and flows in this complex system?
- the factors controlling these flows?
- the important feedback loops?
In addition, we would like to know what you think are:
- the main leverage points?
- the main barriers and opportunities to positive change?
- the big remaining research questions?
Please send your feedback to Robert Costanza, AFN Network+ Champion for Systems Interaction and Production, and Tianchu Lu, PhD student, UCL.