Recruiting our next ECR Board for the AFN Network+

The AFN Network+ is recruiting for its Early Career Researchers (ECR) Board. Appointment is for a one-year period, from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
The board will consist of ECRs with interests and expertise from across the food system. We strive to compose a board that is balanced across gender, diversity of food system expertise, university representation and ethnicity.
Embedded pastoral care for ECR team members is crucial to support a culture of inclusivity within the AFN Network+. ECRs will be mentored by senior team members and will be embedded in Champion activities. The ECR Board Chair will be involved in monthly management meetings to support integration of ECRs across network activities and creation of opportunities for ECRs to develop confidence in transdisciplinary research through debate and discussion and bespoke skills-development workshops. Space will be made within the network for ECRs to meet and discuss important network issues, as well as co-lead funded network activities and projects.
The ECR board will be self-organised with a Board Chair. Each ECR will be allocated £2000/year to use at their discretion to best support career development (this can be used for e.g. travel, engagement, running activities, training). The ECR Board Chair will receive and additional £4000 (ie, £6000 in total) for similar purposes. Travel and subsistence for AFN Network+ activities is also included. The ECR Board will participate in training workshops on co-production and co-design and use these skills when designing and running network activities.
Applications are now closed.