Workshop: Modelling the agri-food system

Achieving net zero in the agri-food system requires understanding the whole system, including production, supply chains, consumption, waste, land use, governance, economics, trade, and more. Over two workshops, a conceptual model diagram has been developed that represents the shared understanding of the structure of the complex UK agrifood system. The conceptual model can be used to help understand the integrated system, and as the basis for more quantitative systems dynamics modelling and research going forward.
A third in-person workshop will update and simplify the conceptual model, develop a preliminary systems dynamics model, and discuss research going forward.
The workshop will take place on 19 January 2024, from 10:30am to 4:30pm, at Room 301, One Pool Street, UCL East (1 Pool St, London E20 2AF).
Recap of previous workshops
The first two workshop for the conceptual model took place on 19th April and 17th September 2023. During those two workshops, our diverse group of participants built together a conceptual systems model of the UK agri-food system. Participants also discussed possibilities of modelling based on the preliminary conceptual mapping. You can view the current publicly accessible version here. An updated version of the model to be used at the third workshop will be circulated with participants prior to the workshop.
General plan for the third workshop
- Review of the conceptual model and recent updates
- Discussion theme 1: hierarchical graphs of the model at different levels of complexity
- Selected leverage points
- Power in agri-food decision-making and proxy of power
- Discussion theme 2: preliminary System Dynamic modelling
- Does the preliminary modelling reflect the roles of the selected leverage points?
- Are there better proxies for the variables in the model?
- Potential directions for future modelling (focusing on specific sectors, nodes or farming practices, coupling of different modelling methods, etc)
If you are interested in attending, please fill out the registration form. Please indicate in the form if you need support for travel and accommodation costs. (Please note that UCL has launched a new online process for external visitors to submit reimbursement claims. Please read the user guidance for more details about the process.)
Please don’t hesitate to contact if you have any queries.