Have your say over carbon emissions! A survey for farmers and those who work with them…

We know farmers across the country are experiencing huge challenges from changing agricultural policy, new tax regimes and extreme weather – to name just a few. They are also being pressured by supply chains, government and lobby groups to cut their carbon emissions.
Farmers are in a difficult position. Some actions they take could benefit the farm business as well as reducing carbon emissions – for example, cutting waste and losses, or reducing the need for fertiliser. But they might view other actions as onerous, costly, risky, or just unnecessary.
It’s rare for farmers as a wider community to be asked what they think about climate change, which activities they would consider getting involved in, or which they feel would make a difference in terms of carbon emissions. Amy Jackson, Year 2 AFN Champion for Behaviour Change, has developed this survey to give farmers that voice – with the aim of informing policymakers, supply chains and the broader public
Please consider spending 10-12 minutes taking this survey. It runs until 17 January, and three luxury farmhouse hampers worth £200 each are being offered as prizes in a draw for participants.
If you’re not a farmer but work with farmers, your voice matters too – there are options on the survey specifically asking your opinion. Please also circulate to your contacts in farming – the results will be informative to all!
Go to bit.ly/AFNfarmers or scan this QR code. Thank you!