Please consider spending 10-12 minutes taking this survey. It runs until 17 January, and three luxury farmhouse hampers worth £200 each are being offered as prizes in a draw for participants.

Please consider spending 10-12 minutes taking this survey. It runs until 17 January, and three luxury farmhouse hampers worth £200 each are being offered as prizes in a draw for participants.
The AFN Network+ is excited to introduce our new Year Three Champions. The Champions bring a wealth of expertise from across the agri-food sector, with an emphasis on policy, technology & innovation, agricultural economy and nutrition.
Are you committed to driving progress towards achieving net zero through the agri-food system by 2050? Do you have expert practice, knowledge and know-how in agri-food? We are looking for six Champions to bring their expertise from industry, academia and the public sector and from any point in the agri-food system to lead a series […]
Achieving net zero in the agri-food system requires understanding the whole system, including production, supply chains, consumption, waste, land use, governance, economics, trade, and more. At a workshop in April, led by Professor Robert Costanza, AFN Network+ champion for Systems Interactions in Production, members of the AFN Network+ built a preliminary conceptual systems dynamics model of the […]