Join the AFN Network+

Are you passionate about transforming UK agri-food for net zero? Join our Network and connect with a community of like-minded professionals, researchers, and industry leaders who are dedicated to shaping a sustainable future. We have more than 2,000 members from across UK agri-food: researchers, third-sector organisations, policy makers, and agri-food industry professionals, from all kinds of backgrounds.

Why join?

As a member of the AFN Network+, you’ll gain access to a range of valuable benefits including:

  • Networking Opportunities: Meet people from across the agri-food sector, with the potential to work together on a variety of projects and opportunities, including funding proposals, not limited to those provided by the AFN Network+.
  • Engaging Events: Be the first to find out about our high quality online and in-person events, with the opportunity to hear from, and engage with, some of the most influential voices in the sector.
  • Shape the Future of Agri-food: Both by influencing the research that UKRI will be commissioning in the coming years, and by working with others to kickstart change.
  • Expert Resources: Access our Resources Hub, where you can find expert insights and relevant research on food system transformation and net zero.

If you would like to join our Network and receive our monthly newsletter and email updates on our work and events including webinars, funding opportunities and more, click on the Join our mailing list button below.

If you want to be more involved in the Network then join our Member Directory.

Choose this option if you want to receive our newsletter and information about upcoming events and opportunities, but you also want to network more closely with members, find collaborators or connect with others with an interest in UK agri-food.

Our directory is a unique database of people working across agri-food. By signing up to the Member Directory you’ll be able to search for other members, their areas of work and what they’re interested in collaborating on and other members will be able to search for you. Your profile will be publicly visible, but your contact details will only be visible to other members in the directory. Filling in the following form will sign you up to the Network and our mailing list, and give us the information we need to build your profile.