
Newsletter – August 2024

This is our newsletter for August 2024. Please note that this page is not updated, so deadlines may have passed and links may no longer work. To receive future newsletters, please join our network.


Recruiting our next round of Champions for the AFN Network+​

Are you committed to driving progress towards achieving net zero through the agri-food system by 2050? Do you have expert practice, knowledge and know-how in agri-food?

We are looking for six Champions to bring their expertise from industry, academia and the public sector and from any point in the agri-food system to lead a series of activities and support the mission of the AFN Network+. 

AFN Champions drive progress by:

  • building an inclusive community of practice across their theme and the wider AFN project;
  • synthesising ideas and thinking from across their networks to ensure inclusive input into the scenarios and plausible futures work, and the pathways and roadmapping phases of the project;
  • mapping the research and innovation landscape in their own and adjacent thematic areas and crucially, identifying critical knowledge and activity gaps to be addressed.

Each new Champion will act as an Ambassador for the AFN Network+ and lead a theme within agri-food, identified by our current membership.

The six themes are:

  1. Policy Champion
  2. Industry and Supply Chain Champion
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Data Champion
  4. Bioeconomy Champion
  5. Carbon Financing Champion
  6. Just Transition and Citizen Engagement Champion

We would particularly like to encourage Early Career Researchers and people working outside Higher Education to apply, although senior academic applicants are also welcome.

The appointment is for a minimum 6-month to maximum 12-month period. Contractual period will run within the period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025. Each Champion will receive a block grant of up to a maximum £90K funded at 80%, with a 20% match commitment from the applicant’s host organisation.

Closing date for applications is 12:00 on Monday 19 August 2024.

Further details


Chris Stark – what I’ve learnt about climate change policy and agri-food

In our best-attended webinar so far, we took a deep dive into Chris Stark’s insights, frustrations and reflections as the country’s leading climate change policy expert. Chris is one of the most well-known figures in climate policy, and was until April chief executive of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, where he oversaw the publication of the seminal report, Land use: Policies for a net zero UK.

We covered:

  • Where we are now, and how to drive change fast
  • Will change in diets really save the day?
  • Farming and land use – why is change so difficult?
  • Chris’ time at the CCC – what are the political blockers and enablers to policy change?
  • Ideas for the new government

You can watch the webinar and read a summary of the webinar chat & questions. Look out for a written briefing, based on Chris’ webinar, coming soon.

Save the date: Big Tent 2025

Our Big Tent is the main meeting of the year for the AFN Network+, where stakeholders from across the agri-food system come together for two days of learning, collaboration and networking. Next year’s event will be held on the 11 and 12 March 2025 in Manchester. Please save the date in your calendar. Read more about this year’s Big Tent. Next year’s event will be similar to last year’s, but a little bit bigger, because…

AFN Network+ reaches 2,000 members

There are now more than 2,000 members of the AFN Network+. Thank you to all of you who have joined and are contributing to our mission. We have many exciting and interesting activities planned over the next year. This includes providing you with more opportunities for you to work together, too, starting with…

New, improved AFN Network+ website

The AFN Network+ website relaunches next month, with more content and features, allowing you to get more involved with the issues in agri-food. In particular, the new website includes:

  • A member directory: We hope as many of you as possible will add your details to this. You will be able to share your interests and expertise, what you are working on, and find others who are doing the same. They will be able to find you too, and hopefully this will lead to more connections, cross-disciplinary working, and opportunities to address the key issues.
  • Resource Hub: Bringing together all our webinars, podcast episodes, briefings, and key research and reports from other organisations, we want this to be a one-stop shop for agri-food and net zero.

The website will be live early next month, and we will send you details of how to join the member database and activate your account.

AFN Network+ scenarios live at Glastonbury

​The AFN Network+ scenarios made it to the Glastonbury Festival, as part of the UKRI research project, TRAnsforming the DEbate about livestock systems (TRADE). TRADE’s stand at Glastonbury extended its focus to encompass broader aspects of food sustainability under the banner of ‘Feeding the Future.’ This included a ‘four futures’ voting station, which used the four AFN Network+ scenarios to stimulate discussion and encourage reflection on our diverse possible futures. Visitors engaged deeply with the scenarios, and used sticky notes for voting and feedback.

Find out what festivalgoers thought of our scenarios.

News from the wider agri-food sector


Royal Society – Partnership Grants          

Partnership grants are available to UK schools and colleges to carry out investigative STEM research projects in their classrooms in partnership with a STEM professional from academia or industry. The grants are designed to help schools and colleges purchase equipment to run these projects.

Deadline: 29 November 2024
More details

Ceres Agri-Tech Global
Project Awards and Small Project Awards

Agri-Tech Global, funded by Research England, is designed to translate UK agri-tech research and build international academic and commercial links for partner universities, Lincoln, Cambridge and UEA, to facilitate commercialisation.

Agri-Tech Global Project Awards (£50k-250k at 80% FEC) and Agri-Tech Global Small Project Awards (up to £50k at 80% FEC).

Deadline: 16 August 2024 for Expressions of Interest.
More details

Lincam Ceres Agri-Tech
Proof of Concept Awards and Project Awards

These awards, funded by the EPSRC, are designed to support the translation and commercialisation of crop-based agri-tech innovations using the established Ceres Agri-Tech approach. They support EPSRC-scope technologies that will significantly improve crop production in the Lincam region of Lincolnshire and North Cambridgeshire and which have the potential for global impact.

Proof-of-Concept Awards (£5k -£20k) and Project Awards (£20k-£150k). Overheads are not an eligible cost for either award.

Deadline: 16 August 2024 for Expressions of Interest.
More details


New podcast: Feed the Planet

Professor Sarah Bridle, AFN Network+ Co-lead and Chair of Food, Climate and Society at the University of York, has launched a podcast which aims to support people who want to reduce the environmental impact of their food and change their diets to eat more sustainably. Feed the Planet – Conversations on Food and Climate Change, explores the positive changes we can make, the barriers that get in our way and how we can overcome them. The podcast is available via Acast and on most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.

Listen here


Understanding Farms as Ecosystems

Propagate is organising a talk with Claire Whittle the Regenerative Vet: Understanding Farms as Ecosystems, in Dumfries at the University of Glasgow’s Rutherford Building on 14 August at 6pm. All welcome.

More details

Workshop: Digital Twins in bioscience, environmental and medical science

Wednesday 18 September 2024, Rothamsted Conference Centre, Harpenden
In-person or online

BBSRC, NERC, MRC and DTNet+ are running a hybrid community workshop focussed on digital twins in bioscience, environmental and medical science. The event aims to create a better shared understanding of the Digital Twins landscape, including better insight into the discipline-specific opportunities and challenges.

Deadline for registration: 4 September 2024
More details


Survey of farmers and advisers in Scotland

A PhD research project at the University of Stirling is aiming to support farm businesses whilst also helping Scotland meet its climate and nature targets. As part of this, they are conducting a survey of farmers and agricultural advisers in Scotland about the challenges faced regarding wildlife improvements. To participate, please click the link below. Responses will be completely anonymous.

More details 

Jonathan Haslam

Author: Jonathan Haslam

Project Manager for the Network at the University of York