dairy cow

8 scientists and industry innovators on turning methane emissions into energy and income

What if we could turn methane from manure into energy for farmers and communities, and thereby reduce methane and carbon emissions? What too, if this created income for farming businesses, provided an alternative fuel for their machinery, and created circular systems locally?  With a number of farm trials underway and Cornwall authority exploring the potential, […]

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Green Alliance country reports - a new land dividend
Reports library

Green Alliance: A new land dividend – the opportunity of alternative proteins in Europe (country profiles)

This report presents the ten European country profiles from Green Alliance’s report A new land dividend (May 2024). The report analyses the potential for alternative proteins to substitute meat and dairy and release land for other purposes. The countries profiled are; Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the UK.

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Nature: Circular food system approaches can support current European protein intake levels while reducing land use and greenhouse gas emissions
Reports library

Nature: Circular food systems can support current European protein intake, reduce land use and GHGs

This paper models animal-sourced protein to plant-sourced protein ratios within a European circular food system, finding that maintaining the current animal–plant protein share while redesigning the system with circular principles resulted in the largest relative reduction of 44% in land use and 70% in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with the current food system.

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Green Alliance - a new land dividend
Reports library

Green Alliance: A new land dividend – the opportunity of alternative proteins in Europe

This report explores the impacts alternative proteins could have on land use in ten European countries. Under a high innovation scenario, alternative proteins could displace about two thirds of the meat and dairy consumed in Europe by 2050. This would allow the ten studied countries to reduce their reliance on overseas land by 75% and create space for nature recovery and carbon storage.

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