Charlotte Wheeler
Year 2 Champion Circular Food Systems
Charlotte has worked in the agricultural sector for the past decade, as a farmer, in academia, and currently for Pasture for Life, where she established their regional farmer knowledge exchange groups. Recently she has moved into a new role as Research Officer at Pasture for Life, synthesising relevant research for a farming audience, as well as working on an inter-organisational project on the development of local and alternative supply chains. Charlotte is interested in exploring the role that agroecology can play in contributing to the UK food system’s resilience to climate change, and the synergies between low-input farming, biodiversity restoration, and equitable, just food systems.
Agroforestry Research and the REFOREST Project
Monday 28 October, 3:30 - 5pm
Organised by Charlotte Wheeler, Year 2 AFN Champion for Circular Food Systems, join Tom Staton of Reading University and Will Simonson of the Organic Research Centre. The webinar will cover agroforestry's potential contribution to net zero, its knowledge infrastructure and how it has evolved over recent decades.
Herbal Ley and Diverse Swards Webinar
Monday 4 November, 6 - 7:30pm
Organised by Charlotte Wheeler, Year 2 AFN Champion for Circular Food Systems, join the Soil Association and Pasture for Life for a webinar on herbal leys, featuring expert guest speakers Siobhan Griffin from Next Level Grazing, and Sam Lane from Cotswolds Seeds.
Winter Webinar: Integrating Diverse Leys and Livestock into Arable Rotations
Monday 18 November, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Organised by Charlotte Wheeler, Year 2 AFN Champion for Circular Food Systems, join Professor Jonathan Leake from the University of Sheffield, Dr Lydia Smith from NIAB, and Dr Emily Cooledge from Bangor University for a whistlestop tour of their research surrounding the integration of herbal leys/diverse swards into arable rotations.