Advisory Board

The advisory board is made of academics and agri-food system stakeholders with a diverse range of expertise and experience. The role of the board is to provide expert advice and ensure that the Network is operating according to its strategic aims, objectives and principles.

headshot of Judith Batchelar

Judith Batchelar

Co-chair, Advisory Board

Deputy chair of the Environment Agency and former brand director for Sainsbury’s

Charles Godfray

Co-chair, Advisory Board

Director of the Oxford Martin School and the Future of Food Programme

Headshot of Michael Lee

Michael Lee

Advisory Board Member

Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Harper Adams University

Headshot of Derek Stewart

Derek Stewart

Advisory Board member

Director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre, The James Hutton Institute

Headshot Terry Marsden

Terry Marsden

Advisory Board Member

Former Director of Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University

Headshot of Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa

Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa

Advisory Board member

Assistant Professor of Conservation Science at the University of California, Berkeley

Headshot of Kate Bannister

Kate Bannister

Advisory Board member

Net zero policy delivery manager, NFU

Headshot of Mary Quicke

Mary Quicke

Advisory Board member

Managing Director, Quicke’s Traditional

Headshot of Kieron Stanley

Kieron Stanley

Advisory Board member

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Image shows headshot of Sue Davies

Sue Davies

Advisory Board member

Head of Consumer Rights and Food Policy, Which?

headshot of Peter Coleman

Peter Coleman

Advisory Board member

Department of Energy Security and Net Zero